Ventricular Rhythms

Case 8 Answer

Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

This ECG was recorded from a 66 year-old man who was brought in by ambulance following his collapse.

ECG shows:

  • Polymorphic Ventricular tachycardia, mean rate 300/min
        -irregular ventricular rate, changing R-R intervals
        -multiple QRS morphologies, each beat differs from the previous one.
  • This particular type of ventricular tachycardia is known as "Torsade de pointes"
        -Torsades de pointes VT starts with an R on T phenomenon (arrow)
  • Causes of Torsades de pointes VT:
        -AV block
        -Prolonged QT interval (primary, secondary)

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