Atrial Arrhythmias

Case 19 answer

Atrial Tachycardia

This ECG was recorded from a 97 year-old lady with a Right #NOF. She had complained of indigestion 2/7 ago, was having palpitation at the time of ECG. She has a history of CHF and hypertension.

ECG shows:

  • Atrial Tachycardia, ventricular rate 136/min,
        -p waves hidden within distorted T waves (tall and pointed), p waves are more visible in V4
  • LAD, 1° heart block PR>0.2sec, Normal QRS duration (0.119), QT for rate
  • LVH by voltage criteria
  • ST depression and T wave inversion in (I, aVL, V5,6), consistent with LV strain
  • Q waves in V1-3, ? old anterior MI

    A repeat ECG was taken when her heart rate is slower, abnormal p waves are more evident.

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